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Tech Check

Introduction to R for Clinical Data

Presented by Arcus Education and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) R User Group

Introducing your Presenters and TAs!

Wes Wilson, Presenter

Stephan Kadauke, Presenter and Author

Rose Hartman, Presenter

Introducing your Presenters and TAs!

Megha Lal, Presenter

Alexis Zavez, Teaching Assistant

Nick Brown, Teaching Assistant

Introducing your Presenters and TAs!

Keith Baxelbaum, Teaching Assistant

Melissa Rosahl, Teaching Assistant

Rich Hanna, Teaching Assistant

Introducing your Presenters and TAs!

Kiley Yeaman, Teaching Assistant

Peace Maddox, TA

Joy Payton, Organizer / Tech

Familiarize yourself with:

  • People
  • Chat

Non-Verbal Feedback

The “Thumbs up” or “Like” feedback with the check mark is important today!

Chat Window

Chat is the way we ask for help here.

Your Turn #1

Click the “thumbs up” in the React menu. Then tell us where you work or what brought you here in the Chat window. If you haven’t already, also please create an account at https://posit.cloud, or be ready to create a project in your own RStudio from our GitHub repo


Orientation to the Course

The Data Analysis Pipeline

Lecture Slides

Timed Interactive Coding Exercises

Code of Conduct


Your Turn #2

Meet and greet! We will send you into breakout rooms, where you will have a few minutes to meet one of our TAs and some of your fellow participants.

Next Up: Introduction

Our next topic is:

Part 1: Introduction