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  • Type “s” to see speaker notes
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Final Notes

What Next?

Join the CHOP R User Group!

CHOP has an active R User Group, with talks, workshops, and a Slack community where you can ask for help with code! Join at https://bit.ly/chopRusers.

Access Your Own R and RStudio!

If you want, you (or CHOP IS) can install R and RStudio Desktop for free on your computer, following the instructions Posit offers at https://posit.co/download/rstudio-desktop/.

Publish Your Work at CHOP!

If you have access to CHOP’s Posit Connect instance (https://rstudio-connect.chop.edu/connect/), you may want to use that to do things like publish your work (assuming that’s compliant!).

Do some tutorials with DART materials!

https://arcus.github.io/education_modules/list_of_modules : Data and Analytics for Research Training (DART) materials, created by Arcus Data Education (Joy and her team!)

More Data Literacy at CHOP!

In the Research Institute, Arcus Data Education has a number of resources – check out https://education.arcus.chop.edu. Are you in the Clinical/Operational space? Data and Analytics has a Data Literacy team, and they run a program they call “DnA University”!

https://jrnold.github.io/r4ds-exercise-solutions/ (based on the original edition)


Participate in Tidy Tuesday

Please fill out our Exit Survey!

We want to understand how this workshop impacts you… your response to our survey is very important!


Any announcements that we forgot to include in the slides?

Thank You!

Thanks to all our helpers and to all of you!

Again, all the materials you need are at https://github.com/arcus/intro-to-r-for-clinical-data, including a link to these slides, instructions on downloading the materials, and the files we used to make the slides in Quarto!